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Acupressure Works
VIDEO: Relieve Knee Pain with Self-Acupressure Techniques – Instructional Video Download
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What Our Customers Say
I find these exercises very effective as a warm-up and for pain management. Marc Coseo was really indeed ahead of his time considering when this was written and it's relevancy to modern thought on activation rather than stretching as a pre exercise warm-up!

Kevin Schwan
Read this before buying Pedrone's system. Also, you can place a tennis ball in a sock and do a large number of these for your back standing and using a wall.

I owned a copy of this book (Acupressure WarmUp) for several years and found it very useful to help me manage my bumps and bruises

Patricia L. Silver
Video Review

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You will get instructions on how to apply ball acupressure to relieve hamstring tensions. You will also get a chart to measure your flexibility improvement which is talked about at the end of the ebook.
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Marc Coseo discusses different topics on acupressure and related product reviews